DBSA Morristown has a long tradition of monthly lectures, usually held on the last Wednesday of the month. As in-person lectures are not possible due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have moved our April lecture with Jill Brown, LSCW, online. Ms. Brown’s topic is Choosing YOU: Prioritizing self-care for long term stability when you have a mood disorder.
Please join us at 7:45 PM on April 29, 2020 via Zoom. The meeting ID is 884 9838 5029 with password 293413. You may also participate by phone by calling 1-929-436-2866.
About the lecture:
How do you identify what you need to be well? How do you make life choices to meet those needs? How do you take care of yourself when you have other responsibilities, as well? What can you do to give your loved ones tools to support your wellness? These are questions one must continually strive to answer to optimize emotional health when living with a mood disorder. Participants will have the opportunity to ask about strategies for their particular challenges.
Jill is a licensed clinical social worker with a private practice in Caldwell. She has spoken at DBSA many times before and offers a positive perspective on living with unipolar and bipolar illness. Jill offers specific, concrete coping strategies for patients and their families from her many years of experience.