To help us leave our meeting in good spirits and looking forward to our next, a support group member suggested we close with attendees contributing words or phrases to be crafted into a paragraph to be shared at the start of the next meeting. A great idea! The first resulting paragraph, read at last night’s meeting, follows.
DBSA – Da Best Support Alliance
I am thankful,…….. I am glad to be here tonight……. Those words may sound counter intuitive because being here also means that I recognize that I have an illness. A disorder that is as dynamic as the people it effects. But I’ve learned that my emotions don’t define me……. I can be and I am grateful to be alive. I am hopeful that da best support alliance, the DBSA will help me keep on being so thankful for everything……… even the grey skies with seemingly black water that most people on the outside don’t understand. So tonight…… and every week……….. keep fighting……. for there is always hope and remember what Princeton House taught us about HOPE….. it means ‘Hold On Pain Ends’.