DBSA New Jersey Facilitator Training Workshop
Saturday, May4th, 2024, 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM
63 Dudley Road, New Brunswick NJ 08901
Room 120
$10.00 sugested donation
Thank you for your interest. Registration for the May 4th 2024 training has been closed.
Attendance is open to all participants of DBSA support groups who facilitate, or who have an interest in facilitating, at our meetings. There is no charge; however donations ($10 suggested) will be appreciated. You may donate with cash or by check at the training. If you wish to donate and prefer to use a credit or debit card, or PayPal, you may do so on our donation page. Select Other for “Your Donation” to enter $10 as the “Amount to Donate”, select DBSA New Jersey Fund for “Select Your Chapter”, and write Training in the “Leave a Note” box.
We will address any special issues, needs, concerns, problems or questions you have regarding facilitation. You will exchange ideas, solutions and techniques to develop your facilitation skills with your peers. The training will emphasize DBSA support group guidelines.
You can register using the form below, or by email to info@dbsanewjersey.org, or by phone at 1-888-829-2483. If emailing or calling, please provide your full name, telephone number, and identify your support group when you register.
After registering with the form below, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive such an email, please check your spam folder. If you still don’t find it, please contact us by email or phone.